Little Fires Co.
Party of Animals Collection
Bites of the World Collection
All major credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted.
Absolutely! Little Fires Co. complies with the highest level of Payment Card Industry (PCI) standards. In non-techie speak: your transaction is 100% secure.
Sales tax is charged for orders shipping to a New York state address.  Pro Tip: If you live in New York but can ship your order elsewhere (say, to your grandma's house in Jersey), you can save 8.75%!
Shipping & Delivery
We typically ship orders out within 2 days.

If you've placed a pre-order, please note that your cards will ship out within 2-3 weeks of purchase. We'll email you when they go out!
For domestic orders, they should arrive between 3-5 days from the date of shipping. International orders will take anywhere from 10-21 days.
Yes, we do! You will be presented with shipping options at checkout.
YES (sort of)! We're happy to offer free shipping on all orders to the continental United States. For shipments to Hawaii, Alaska, and international destinations, shipping options will be available for you to select when you check out.
We offer a full refund (excluding the cost of shipping the order back to us) on any order within 14 days of delivery.

If we made a mistake such as shipping you the wrong product or the product arrived defective, we will definitely do everything to make things right for you.

Please contact us to request a return.
Wholesale & Bulk Orders
That’s amazing! Please reach out and we can go from there.
Whoa, that’s pretty cool! Drop us a message, and we will take care of you!
Custom Work
We're always open to interesting and meaningful projects. Let's start a conversation!
We’re so honored that you asked! Reach out to us and we can go from there.
Collaboration & Partnerships
We always look forward to collaborating with talented artists and designers. Give us a shout, please.
Please do! Email us or DM us on Instagram.
Little Fires Co.
It comes from the Chinese saying "even little fires can set a prairie aflame" (星星之火既可燎原) - meaning that even small actions can have a profound impact. This expression belongs to our Sparks of Courage deck.
Yes, we are currently working on expanding our collection of expressions across different cultures. Send us a note if you have a specific request!
All of our research, editorial, design, and printing are done in NYC.
Send us a message. We always write back!