
German Saying: Show the Chocolate Side

German Saying: Show the Chocolate Side
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Show the chocolate side


Put your best foot forward; display your most attractive side



About the Expression

According to this German expression, when you show the “chocolate” side, you are displaying your most attractive side.

It’s no surprise that chocolate here is used as a metaphor for one’s best self.

The sweet treat is famously beloved in Germany.

It’s woven into everyday culture and plays a key role in celebrations and traditions — especially during Christmas, when chocolate is simply everywhere.

This saying is perfect for a range of situations, such as finding your good angle for a group photo, making a positive impression when meeting new people or being your most charming on a date.

Fun Cultural Fact

Surprising fact: German chocolate cake is not actually from Germany. 

The dessert takes its name from Samuel German, an American chocolate maker who lived during the 1800s. He created a type of dark baking chocolate that eventually was used in the cake’s recipe.

On the other hand, Black Forest cake, as pictured, is German in origin.

This chocolate sponge cake features delectable layers of whipped cream and cherry filling. It’s decorated with more soft whipped cream, maraschino cherries and chocolate shavings.

It’s said that the birthplace of the cake is the Black Forest region of Germany, which is well-known for its sour cherries and kirschwasser.

Traditionally, kirschwasser, a clear brandy made from fermented sour cherries, is also added, giving the cake its deliciously trademark cherry and tartly alcoholic notes.

This German saying belongs to our Bites of the World collection, which spotlights unique food-related expressions from ten countries. It’s also available individually as a vibrant postcard design and art print.

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