
Turkish Saying: A Cup of Coffee Has 40 Years of Memory

Turkish Saying: A Cup of Coffee Has 40 Years of Memory
Original Text

Bir fıncan kahvenin kırk yıllık hatırı vardır


A cup of coffee has 40 years of memory


Every act of kindness, even small ones, may be remembered fondly for years.



About the Expression

This Turkish saying has two popular meanings. The first is that every favor or act of kindness — even one as small as a cup of coffee — may be remembered fondly for years.

The second is that those who drink coffee with each other become symbolic, long-lasting friends from that moment on.

Either way, this expression illustrates how symbolic this beverage is in Turkey.

In fact, the centuries-old, communal ritual of Türk kahvesi (Turkish coffee) is seen as one of friendship, hospitality and entertainment.

Made with the oldest coffee-making method, this popular drink is made up of foam, coffee and grounds, and is usually served in small cups.

Let’s Dive Deeper

Tray of Turkish coffee and Turkish delight

Today, tea has surpassed coffee as the main drink of choice. However, Turkish coffee continues to be a rich part of the country’s cultural identity.

The classic drink is distinguished by its unique roasting and brewing techniques.

Traditionally, it’s cooked on the stovetop using a small, long-handled metal pot called a cezve — one cup at a time. One can ask for their coffee to be prepared sade (plain), az şekerli (a little sweet), orta şekerli (medium sweet) or şekerli (sweet).

There are additional rituals too.

A glass of water is often added alongside for a palate-clearing sip beforehand. Sometimes, the coffee is served with sweet, colorful pieces of lokum (Turkish delight).

With all the thought and care put into it, it’s easy to see a cup of Turkish coffee as an act of friendship.

This Turkish saying belongs to our Bites of the World collection, which spotlights unique food-related expressions from ten countries. It’s also available individually as a vibrant postcard design and art print.

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